Saturday, September 25, 2010

Friday Night

I spent a lovely, summer-like (wtf) evening at the studio drinking some cold beers, taking photographs, while listening to flamenco. It got so hot that I scrounged in the closet of costumes and put on my grandmothers' old strapless bra.

Next month I will have had the place for 10 years. It has always been a haven for me in both good and bad times in my life. Sometimes I just sit there and let it envelop me with its' warmth and memories and other times it pushes me to be creative. It is surely haunted having once been a speak-easy, brothel, gambling parlour, and jazz club in the 50's. Myself and others have had many a strange "encounter" there but I have always felt welcome.

I shot some images for The Spooky Show, although I am keeping them a secret until the show so you will just have to come to it or check back afterwards!


  1. 10 years?!?!? I remember helping you paint the walls. That was in preparation for our trip to New Orleans....

    Looking forward to the Spooky Show. Haven't taken any photos for it but...

  2. What a fantastic studio! Having a personal haven really makes me feel like a rich man, you must feel the same about yours ... I love all your treasures, too.

  3. I don't know how I could have gotten thru some of the rougher times without it! If you are ever in Sac. I'd love to have you over!

  4. Really? I'm actually thinking of going to Sacramento in a couple weeks; I'll email you, Ginny

  5. Strange, I posted a comment to you early but it didn't take. Yes! e-mail me!
