Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Maio and Nita and Zita

I met Maio for beers at a local pub on Monday night along with an old, dear friend of ours. I hadn't seen her since she moved to New York to attend culinary school 18 years ago. She owns her second restaurant in Brooklyn and looks exactly the same. She was always a gorgeous siren.

We met in a college art class, became friends, and even travelled overseas together. The last experience had many great highs and lows, Amsterdam, Madrid, Munchen, Eos, Galway, and Fez, to name a few of the amazing places we visited.

Some people you never forget and when you see them after many years it is as if they had never been away, probably because they are always in your memories and your heart. Maio and I met again on Tuesday for a little more catch-up and some sparkling wine and photos in her mothers backyard.

She put on an old dress, scarf and shoes that she had purchased in New Orleans at an antique store many years ago. They were a part of the estate of Nita and Zita, two Hungarian sisters who had travelled the world doing their form of exotic and acrobatic dancing in the 1920's. They were known as the Gypsy Sisters in New Orleans where they settled in the late 1940's and gave dance and fitness classes in their house on Dauphine St. that they had painted inside and out as well as everything inside. I am thrilled that Maio gave these items to me!

Our time was too short, I need to find a way to get to N.Y.!

1 comment:

  1. Maio is indeed gorgeous, and your photos do her well. The vintage photos, as well as the painted/distressed interiors fill me with nostalgia ... very beautiful. Friends like Maio are so important. I have a couple of Maio-like friends and even though I feel as though I've neglected them, when we're together it's all good, as if we were never apart. Lovely post.
