Sunday, July 4, 2010

Born on The Fourth of July

It's my old lady's Birthday, She is 86 today. Her name is Madeline, she is my neighbor and I take care of her. I am like a 1950's house wife in my old apron, cooking, cleaning, and generally taking care of her affairs. I don't do the same for my household. When I leave work (a short 20 second commute) I change clothes and head straight out back. It usually isn't until the inside environment is unbearable or that folks are coming over that I grudgingly clean up the joint.

Madeline was born to immigrant parents from The Azores. Her father worked on a chuck wagon around the delta on various farms. Her mother and 4 children moved from place to place along the way. When Madeline was 5 the family bought an old house and she has lived there since.

Our house was built on the families property in 1951 by her sister Emma's husband, Adolph. He went bowling one night and never came home. Emma is 91 and lives in an old folks home. She is a piece of work, a story for another time!

Madeline never married, never even kissed a boy. School ended for her at 14 but she has more practical wisdom than most. Her sense of humor a cheery nature are polar opposite from Emma's ways.

Today I will gussy her up and "give her a make-over" as she calls it. She will spend the day with her family and celebrate.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post, very evocative... and, thanks for adding me to your blog roll. Reuben
